Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 7

Greetings 1C families,

On Friday the scholars enjoyed writing like ancient Mesopotamians. This week holds more adventures, as we look forward to having our grandparents join us on Friday, September 21st. Please use this link to RSVP for your child's grandparent. 

Have a wonderful week!

In pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness,
Ms. Kaye

Thursday, 9/20: Picture Day
Friday, 9/21: Grandparent's Day
Friday, 9/28: No school
October 8th-October 12th: Fall Break

Nightly: Read for 15 minutes, practice poem (1 minute), practice rocket math (1 minute)

Weekly Phonograms: f, g, j, k, w, au, aw, ck, wh, wor
Monday: tooth, teeth, worm, day, eat, sits, sit, lot, box, school and math worksheet
Tuesday: belong, door, floor, yes, low, soft, stands, stand, yard, bring and math worksheet
Wednesday: tell, five, ball, law, ask, just, way, get, home, much and 1-3 Cum. Test B
Thursday: all words and Ch. 4.1 Test B
Friday: practice phonograms and math workbook pages 45-46

Homework survey results: Thank you to those of you who took the time to offer their thoughts by completing the homework survey.  We had about 20% of the grade level participate. We use this data as we plan homework assignments and value your opinion. If you find that your child's homework is taking over 45 consecutive minutes to complete, please feel free to discontinue for the evening and write us a note.  Thank you!

Poem: The Pasture by Robert Frost   Idiom: At first you don’t succeed try, try again!

Writing/Grammar: We will write and read about sections of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Students will practice writing in complete sentences that include capital letter and punctuation marks. We will focus on writing with our best and most proper Spalding handwriting. 

Spalding: Please see below the spelling words for this week. A list of all 30 words will also be sent home on Monday to keep for the week. Please practice saying the phonograms each night.

Math: All of our hard work on addition over the past month has paid off because this week we get to begin learning about subtraction! We will practice taking numbers away, counting down, creating subtraction stories, and solving subtraction sentences. On Wednesday we will have math centers and will get to participate in some hands on activities to practice subtraction. On Thursday we will complete a cumulative assessment of on units 1-3 and on Friday we will take a subtraction quiz.

Literature: We will begin our first novel this week; Owl at Home! We are looking forward to meeting Owl and going on many adventures with him.  Please ensure that your child brings a copy of this book to school with them.  Thank you!

History: In History this week the students will continue learning about the first civilization in Mesopotamia. They will learn about who Giglamesh was and why he is important, along with laws and rules Mesopotamian people had to follow.

Science: This week we will finish our unit on habitats! We will take a habitat test on Tuesday. We will send home an optional review sheet on Monday. After taking the assessment on habitats, we will begin a new unit on the animals and the food chain! We will begin learning all about carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores and how they coexist with one another in an environment. 

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Week 38

Happy Tuesday 1C families, I can't believe this is the last blog post of the year. It has been such a joy to teach your children and wat...